Volunteer Registration

We need volunteers from June 5-10, 2024 in Summerland, BC

Help us make this the most fun freeride ever!

Welcome to the first step on joining the 2024 Giant's Head Freeride volunteer crew!  It takes a large and dedicated group of people to put on these events and appreciate your interest in being a part of it.  We're collecting contact info, work preferences, and work experience from people with this form as we start to build out the event team. 

Being a part of the crew comes with expectations and responsibilities.  If assigned a shift you are expected to arrive for the crew meetings in the morning and to show up prepared and on time for your shift.  Preparation includes your condition as well as all the stuff you'll need for your shift.  In other words please don't arrive hung over (or still drunk) to drive a shuttle truck.

Communication is key to success, in both directions.  We will be making every effort to ensure you are informed and prepared for the event, and in return we also would appreciate prompt communication about any changes in your availability or plans that will affect the event.  We can work around problems we know about and are very understanding of whatever is happening.

In exchange we will be making every effort to ensure you get the opportunity to take runs and are well taken care of.  We're just starting planning for this year, but we've provided lunch and plenty of swag to crew in the past.

That about covers things, we look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in Summerland!

~ Miles

Photos by Jon Huey